Property owners are totally unaware of this clandestine threat to their properties!

From all of use here at Bio-One I urge all of you to be safe and not try to take matters into your own hands! Everyone has been so preoccupied with COVID-19 that they are missing another threat to their properties…Meth. That is what happened recently to my client Will.
Will called me about a new house that he had bought. He and his wife Sandi, buy and rehab houses. On this project they found some warning signs that I wanted to share with all of you. This is the top 5 signs your property has Meth!
#1 Holes cut in the walls
This may seem obvious, but I can’t tell you how many times it slips by a property owner. If there are random holes cut into walls that is because the Meth user has hidden something in the walls.
#2 Household chemicals
There are 4 methods used to make Meth. The Red phosphorus method, often called Red P, the Nazi Method, P2P method and the Shake ‘n Bake method. Most clandestine labs today are the Shake ‘n Bake method. Where the user gets household chemicals such as rubbing alcohol, Liquid fire grill starter, camp fuel, cold packs and lithium batteries and puts them int a 2 liter bottle and shakes it up to make meth. The color is often light brown and has crystals in the bottom. If you see on of these in your property do not touch it! Call the professionals at Bio-One immediately!
#3 Crack pipes and drug paraphernalia
Crack pipes are different from all other drug pipes. They are rounded at the end. Once you see one they are unmistakable.
#4 House maintenance
Meth users take apart wall sockets, TV remotes, wiring in the houses, lawn mowers and much more. If you see the property start to deteriorate, that is a sign of meth use.
#5 Unusual activity
Meth makes the user feel very hyper. If you notice your resident staying up at all hours of the night for days or weeks on end with no sleep that could be an indication of meth use.
Property owners are totally unaware of this clandestine threat to their properties!